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About Shriners

Dedication and Service

All Shriners are also Master Masons, dedicated to improving themselves and the communities they live in by living up to the high moral standards they have solemnly sworn to support. Charity is the greatest and most enduring, and Shriners are active supporters of charity as evidenced by the Shriners Hospitals for Children where care is provided at no charge to their parents. These hospitals treat children and are supported solely by donations that Shriners generate from various projects. Shriners are a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. Our backgrounds and interests are diverse, but we are bound together by our shared values and a desire to have fun, do good and build relationships that can last a lifetime.

Augusta Shrine Club is blessed to have a member, Illustrious Sir Clyde Bowie Past Potentate of Alee Shrine in 2018, who is a member of the Greenville Shriners Children's Board of Governors. They do fantastic work for their patients. Greenville is a world class medical provider and is also helping children from around the world. What great things we can do when we work together to improve the lives of the children regardless of their ability to pay. Do you know someone who could benefit from our services? Above is a list of medical services Greenville Shriners Children's is providing at this time. Keep in mind that our Roadrunners will take the patient and parents to the appointment if necessary.

Augusta Shrine Club History

Love and Dedication for the Children

The Augusta Shrine Club was founded in the late 1930’s with nine members. Dr. Earl Meyers was the first President. In 1946, while Police Chief of Augusta, George R Folds was President of then over 19 members. The Club purchased a building at 610 Green Street. In 1949 the membership had reached 265, the building, now too small, was sold for $16000.00In 1950 the members purchased a lot on Phinizy Road, the present site of the club. The deed included fishing rights in the old Phinizy Pond for $11,000.00. With the remaining $5,000.00, and help from many Nobles and friends, some of which were non-Masonic, under the leadership of Noble B.E. Mills, started the building. The concrete footing, and steel beams in the ceilings, capable of providing a four-story building, shows the determination of this young Club.


In 1954 the Club was incorporated. During the past 50+ years, improvements have been successfully completed, having one of the largest dance floors in the C.S.R.A., separate meetings rooms, fully furnished kitchen, carpeted lounge, bar, and bar-b-que house, all with a paved and lighted parking area. Under the great leadership of many officers and the dedicated membership, the Club has come a long way toward the enviable reputation for an organization of this nature. Men of prominence, matchless character and high integrity have sought to become members because of the true bonds of loyal friendship and deep sincerity in helping the children. Our Club is most proud of our hospital committee, presently under the leadership of Past President Butch Murdock. The hospital committee raises most all their own money to transport the children and their family members to and from the hospitals. In addition to the many fine committees, the Club has four units. The Clown Unit founded about the time the Club was incorporated, the Go Cart Unit founded in 1966, the Golf Unit founded in 1977, the Mobile Unit founded in 1980. Each unit having its own Ladies Auxiliary, along with our very hard-working club Ladies

The Fez Owners Manual: A Concise guide for Shriners 

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