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News and Information Page

This is where you will find public information and Shrine related news bites as well.

Welcome to Our three new Shriners

Augusta Shrine Club is honored to welcome three new Shriners to our club.

Noble Charles Dargin, Noble Anthony Portis, and Noble Keith Mravlja. We look forward to guiding you through your Shrine experience


Looks like we have 3 folks to take to Greenville SC Shriners Hospital in March for Hospital Days. A great opportunity to see the interworking of our hospital to which Illustrious Sir Clyde Bowie is a member of the Board of Directors. 

Augusta Shrine Club Golf Unit Annual Golf Tournament
Sadly, our original scheduled day for the golf tournament was canceled due to weather and rescheduled for June 2, 2024. What a beautiful day for golf on Sunday, June 2, 2024. The day started with a lunch at 11:30 and tee off at 1:30. All in attendance had a great day for golf and fellowship.  
Thank you to all the people who came out to play, and to all the hole sponsors as well. We truly appreciate all of you and we hope to see you all back next year. Until then, be safe, keep smiling, and have lots for fun. Click on one of the pictures to see more.

Augusta GA St. Patrick's Day Parade 2024

The Shriners were in up for a parade Saturday 3-16-24 in Augusta, and we sure had fun. There were Hillbillies, Go-Karts, Hillbilly Lawnmowers racers. After the parade we returned to the Club and had some burger, hotdogs, Corn Beef & Cabbage and More! Click on a picture below to see more pictures. 

 ALEE DIVAN 2024 Visit

Thank you to Illustrious Potentate Carey Hodges and his DIVAN for the wonder visit onSaturday 1-27-2024. We enjoyed the and are looking forward to a Great Year Focusing on what matters while doing more in '24

 More Photos in our Gallery Page

****The Iron Butt Ride **UPDATE
IRON NIGHTS RAISED $27,549 for Shriners Hospital for Children Greenville SC

Riding through all kind of bad weather including a tornado these riders reached their goal in plenty of time.

Congratulations on a Job Well Done!!! 

Each year the Iron Knights pick a destination for the Iron Butt Ride, this year it is New Orleans

!000 miles in 24 hours. We Ride So Children Can Walk. Last year the Iron Knights rode through rain, sleet and snow to the Shriners Hospital for Children in Greenville SC. There was a child who was scheduled to return home after an extended stay, upon hearing that the riders where expected to arrive , she refused to go home until she saw the motorcycles and the riders. The riders arrived cold, wet and tired. The child talked to all , inspiring them and not a dry eye was in the hospital.

We are starting this years ride on April the 14th from Savannah. This ride cost is $500 dollars with a registration fee of $100. You will receive a certificate from the Iron Butt Association, badge and T-shirt. Those from Augusta will leave on the 13th and stay at the location of the start. So you can be rested for the ride. We will Stop every 125 miles for gas , food and coffee.  All lodging, food, and gas each rider is responsible.

Join us and mark this off your bucket list.

Donations have been made by The Augusta Building and Trades and IBEW local 1579, UA Local 150 and others.

All Donations are Tax Deductible.

If you have any questions please contact Mark Blackburn 706-360-1802

Hephzibah Bull Riding Competition 


Shriners from Augusta Shrine Club and sone from Waynesboro Shrine Club joined forces to cover the Bull Ride competition March 17-18 to seek donations for the Greensboro SC Shriners Hospital for Children. After participating in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Augusta focused on raising money and were able to collect $500 for the hospital. Thank you to all those who donated, we truly appreciate your help.

Colt Ford Concert Donations

On Friday March 10, 2023 the Augusta Shrine Club set up a station at the Colt Ford Concert to get donations for Greenville SC Shriners Hospital.  We received $560.44 for the Hospital. We shared with people what Shriners do. We spoke to some parents for past patients and some folks that were treated by Shriners Hospitals for Children. It's great when you see how much Shriners have helped people in the community and mostly helped children to have a better life experience.

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